Apartment Renters Mailing List Helps Businesses Reach Local Customers

An apartment renters mailing list is an extremely useful tool. Mailing lists in general are an effective and affordable method of advertising. Many companies are starting to move away from the more traditional advertising methods of billboards, radio, television, and website banners in favor of a more personalized approach. Direct mail marketing puts your advertisement directly in the hands of potential customers. Even better, these are customers you select based on your company’s target customer profile. This type of marketing also gives the business owner the most control.

This method of advertising helps many small businesses gain visibility in their neighborhoods. Spreading awareness can be challenging, especially in densely populated urban areas. However, rather than canvasing your neighborhood on foot, you can reach hungry customers through the mail. If you’re not sure where to start, look no further. ApartmentLists.net is your connection to the customers you need.

We can provide you with the apartment renters mailing list that your company needs. We help your business increase awareness at a price you can afford. Our extensive, unique databank grants you the ability to reach renters directly. We even take this a step further and offer the option of choosing from renters in a specific set of apartment complexes, or even a set radius around your business.

Using an Apartment Renters Mailing List for Direct Mail Marketing

Our 2018 databank houses the information of millions of renters. These are individuals who live in apartment complexes containing ten or more units, as well as mobile home parks across the United States. You can narrow down your target selection based upon specific apartment complex. We also offer the option to target apartment complexes based on average monthly rent. These selections make sure your company reaches the customers more likely to need your products or services.

There are over 150,000 apartment complexes in our databank. We help companies reach these people by giving you their contact information including mailing addresses. You can use this information to form a bond with and advertise to these customers directly. This type of marketing also puts you in the driver’s seat. To begin, simply contact us and let us know which targeting methods you prefer.

You’ll then get a detailed report in approximately twenty-four hours. We know that business moves fast and do our best to get you the information you need as quickly as possible. We also send you a CASS Certificate to provide you with the best possible postal discount for your campaign.

Narrow Targeting for Your Apartment Renters Mailing List

If you are looking for specific customers, then we can help. Our information is customizable based on several factors such as:

  • Apartment complex name
  • Average monthly rent
  • Zip code
  • Radius from a central point

These options are incredibly useful when looking for customers in a targeted area. Imagine if every renter within your business’s delivery radius knew about your Dry Cleaning Company or restaurant. Your company would instantly be on the map and radar of those potential customers. Awareness can make or break a business.

There are thirty million addresses available on our apartment renters mailing list. We also update this information monthly to make sure we always provide the most current information. We also provide you with additional benefits. Such as:

  • Lowest available postage rates
  • 100% carrier route coverage
  • Delivery to each mailbox

Even better, we also provide additional targeting customization filters. This extra filtering makes sure you reach the people who need and want your products and services. Some of these additional filters include, for example:

  • Length of Residency
  • Income
  • Age
  • Ethnicity

When you succeed, we succeed. This is why we do everything we can to help you reach the right customers. When asked, many people prefer to support local business. Unfortunately, they don’t always know where to find these companies. This is where we come in. We put you in direct contact with these individuals.

Who Can Use an Apartment Renters Mailing List?

With a little creativity, just about anyone can benefit from an apartment renters mailing list. Direct targeted advertising is what you make it. By knowing who you’re reaching out to, you can create an advertisement just for them. This style of advertisement is unique to this method. All kinds of businesses can benefit from this type of marketing, such as:

  • Dog Walkers
  • Day Care Providers
  • Dental Care Professionals
  • Chiropractors
  • Health Care Professionals
  • Veterinary Professionals
  • Restaurants
  • Dry Cleaners
  • Storage Facilities
  • Financial Institutions
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Real Estate Professionals
  • And just about any new business!

Not only are you reaching the customers you need for your business to grow and thrive, but the customers benefit as well. They learn about companies who offer products and services which can improve their life. If your advertisement includes a discount then they’re also getting a great deal!

When to use your Apartment Renters Mailing List

You can use the apartment renters mailing list at any time. However, some companies prefer to focus on promoting special events such as:

  • Promotional Offers
  • Grand Openings
  • Anniversary Events
  • Sales
  • And much more!

You can also use an exclusive code or coupon on your advertisement to track campaign effectiveness. With direct mail marketing you’re getting the best return per advertising dollar. This form of marketing has consistently shown a better return on investment than other marketing mediums. That’s because you receive benefits such as:

  • More Effective Marketing Strategy
  • Better Return on Investment
  • Reaching Target Customers
  • Ability to Create Custom Advertisements for Various Demographics

Not to mention, direct mail marketing is among the most affordable advertising options. Radio, billboards, and television are notoriously expensive. Not to mention, they typically have a lower rate of return.

Don’t waste any more time or money on advertising methods that don’t work or provide little return. We’re standing by to answer your questions about how you can use direct mail marketing to grow your business. ApartmentLists.net is also dedicated to supporting local and small businesses. Get on the track to effective advertising, today.

Call Apartment Lists today at (800) 575-3002 for more information on how your company can benefit from an Apartment Renters Mailing List.